News & Events

Check This Out!

We’ve earned the Silver GuideStar participation level!

Interlink recently earned the Silver GuideStar Nonprofit Profile participation level! This leading symbol of nonprofit transparency and accountability is presented by GuideStar, the world’s largest source of nonprofit information.


In order to be awarded the Silver Seal of Transparency, Interlink added our basic contact and in-depth financial information on GuideStar.


Check out our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile and tell us what you think: Interlink’s GuideStar Nonprofit Profile


2016 Service Stats

Celebrating over 32 years of Service!

Our mission is providing volunteers to enable elders and people with disabilities to live independently in their homes.
We serve in the Lewis-Clark Valley of Nez Perce County, Idaho and Asotin County, Washington.  Volunteers are from churches, businesses, care-provider agencies, and the general population.  We work with every available community resource to meet our mission statement.
Services include escorted transportation, building wheelchair ramps, minor home repairs and safety modifications.
There is never a charge for our services.


Metal Ramps

Temporary ramps for short term use.

We are excited to partner with Disability Action Center to provide temporary metal ramps for our community! The ramps will enable us to service those who only need a ramp for a short time, such as in a recuperation or hospice situation. The ramp pieces were paid for by a grant from the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.

Donate to our ramp fund
